Walking is best in exercise
1. When walking, do not walk around talking on a cell phone with a side-by-side witness. If possible, buy a cell phone at home. Raise the head, gently inhale the muscles of the abdomen, and walk as if you were handcuffed.
2. Sweating is normal during proper walking. So avoid tight, polyester clothing. Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing that allows the body to absorb perspiration and not get tired.
3. To cover the feet, it is better to wear shea gently without tightening the feet.
4. The distribution of serotonin in the brain, the secretion of enzymes in the body. By regulating the heart rate and secretion of prostaglandins, the lubrication of the joints is achieved, the muscles are relaxed and the energy required by the body is taken away from the stored carbohydrates.
Many of the women have folded muscles in the abdomen by the time they reach the age of 30
5. With Prisk Walk, heart rate, blood pressure increases, oxygen circulation through the bloodstream is increased and about 6 calories are expended.
6. In the first 5 minutes the body becomes excited, in 10 to 20 minutes the body warms up, the blood vessels attached to the skin dilate and the heat goes out and the body begins to sweat. An increase in the secretion of energy hormones, respiration takes place.
7. In about 30 to 45 minutes the body loses weight, burns fat and normalizes insulin secretion.
8. It is a medical fact that in an hour, slow down our gait, regulate the heart rate, suppress sweating, and then burn calories for an hour.
9. People who are overweight, have a weak heart, have asthma problems, suffer from bone and joint diseases and seek medical advice accordingly can continue walking.