Two Types of Exercises for Physical Health
1. Aerobic Exercises: If you do this type of exercise fast you should do it 75 minutes a week. (Running, Jogging, Jogging, Swimming, Football, Hockey, Individual tennis, Martial arts, Fast dancing, etc.) But at medium speeds (such as fast walking, swimming, handball, basketball, doubles tennis, cycling, etc.) per week. 150 minutes to do. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. There are those who mix both severe and medium.
Walking is best in exercise
2. Muscle Strength Exercises: These should be done at least two days a week. For example heavy gardening work such as weight lifting, mountain climbing, masonry, training on fitness machines, etc. Yogasana also belongs to this category.
So, start with a small amount of exercise. Gradually increase. Blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart attack, stroke all run away. Exercise at least 300 minutes a week if you want to lose weight. That would require an average of 45 minutes daily.